On the 18th of August 1873, David and Susan Bufkin sold two acres of land to the trustees of the New Zion Church, located in Copiah County, Mississippi. David and Susan were members of Antioch Baptist, just several feet from the location of New Zion. Antioch had a slave gallery and its slave membership was more than half, reaching 156 Negroes in 1865. By 1866, the Negro membership was zero. It is plausible several of those former members started New Zion after they left Antioch.
Looking at the 1860 Copiah County Slave Schedule, I didn't find David as a slave owner. There were two Bufkin slave owners, owning a total of five slaves between them.
Edwin Burnley, a slave owner associated with my family was a member of Antioch.
Going from Hazlehurst, before you reach Somerset you pass the old Antioch Baptist Church. Pa gave most of the money for the building and had his church membership there. A part of the auditorium was separated from the rest by pillars and reserved for the Negroes, and their amens and halleluiahs mingled with those of their masters. From Edwina Burnley Memoirs
To the right, background, is Greater New Zion Church
This indenture made and entered into this 18th day of August AD 1873 by and between David Bufkin and Susan P Bufkin his wife, of the first part and Richard Rembert, Andrew Watson and Jefford Campbell, Trustees of New Zion Baptist Church of the 2nd part, all of the county of Copiah and the State of Mississippi...I have and to hold the promises herein conveyed for the sole and separate use and benefit of the said New Zion Church, and the members thereof to be used, owned and enjoyed by them for the purpose of erecting thereon a church of worship, cemetery and any and all other necessary improvements that may be beneficial or useful for said church...
How does this church connect to my family tree?
My maternal and paternal family are connected to this church. It was my mother's church during her youth. My mother's dad, Daniel Marshall, was a member and he is buried in the church cemetery in an unmarked grave. Several of my paternal grandmother's Overton family were members, many buried in the cemetery.
Legend of Antioch
Awesome Church History. I never did think to see if Midway did that have the a Slave Gallery before they built Mt. Coney. Loved the photos of the church and the bits of history!
Thank you, True. Some old church records have lists of names of members including the names of the slave members, which can be invaluable to family research.
I'm glad we can all worship together now! What a delightful story!
Sunday mornings - most of us choose to worship with folks who look like us. The people in the above post probably wasn't pushed out but chose to leave to have their own leadership and worship style.
My family are Shannons. My grandfather was from coahma county. However after much research I believe our roots do t Copiah. Do you have any information on shannons? I would like to make the connection between counties.
Do you still attend this church?
Do you still attend this church?
My family are Shannons. My grandfather was from coahma county. However after much research I believe our roots do t Copiah. Do you have any information on shannons? I would like to make the connection between counties.
This was my mother's church before she married my father. Some of my father's relatives also attended this church. I never attended the church except for weddings and funerals..
I have a little info on the Shannon family, a few death records. You may see the records here - http://www.angelfire.com/folk/gljmr/newzioncemetery.html
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